Sejak resmi membuka akun instagram, netizen tak henti-hentinya mengagumi feeds leader EXO ini.
Belakangan ini, netizen kembali membahas kecantikan feeds instagram dari Suho EXO. Mereka menemukan suatu hal yang unik dan sangat menarik dari setiap foto yang diambil Suho, yaitu background foto selalu senada dengan pakaian yang ia tengah kenakan.
Misalnya saja background slide kedua adalah kuning dan hitam, ia kemudian mencocokkannya dengan memakai jaket hangat berwarna serupa. Kemudian slide ketiga yang baru-baru ini sukses kejutkan netizen bahwa ia mampu menemukan tembok berwarna-warni yang sangat sesuai dengan warna pakaiannya saat itu, di dukung dengan warna sepatunya juga.
Namun nampaknya hal ini memang telah jadi ciri khas idol kelahiran 1991 ini. Sebelum memiliki instagram, Suho telah rajin mengunggah foto-fotonya melalui website resmi EXO-L di mana fotonya juga selalu "aesthetic", seperti contoh slide ke tujuh hingga sepuluh.
Beberapa netizen pun meninggalkan komentar seperti:
1. "Bagaimana bisa dia menemukan tembok yang senada dengan pakaiannya? Gila.."
2. "Jadi apa dia mencari dulu temboknya atau bagaimana? Aku tak bisa menalar hal ini"
3. "Sudah kuduga kita pasti akan sangat dimanjakan ketika Junmyeon miliki instagram"
4. "Feedsnya sangat cantikㅠㅠ"
5. "Aku bisa saja seperti itu tapi ini juga didukung dengan wajah tampan seperti Suho juga untuk sukses.."
Dan lain sebagainya.
Bagaimana pendapat kalian? Suka dengan foto milik Suho?
Suho EXO's totality when taking pictures for his Instagram is now becoming a hot topic!
Since officially opening an Instagram account, netizens have ceaselessly admired EXO's leader feeds.
Lately, netizens have returned to discuss the beauty of Instagram feeds from Suho EXO. They found something unique and very interesting from every photo taken by Suho, that is, the background of the photo was always in line with the clothes he was wearing.
For example, the second slide background is yellow and black, he then matches it by wearing a similar warm jacket. Then the third slide that recently successfully shocked netizens that he was able to find colorful walls that really matched the color of his clothes at that time, supported by the color of his shoes too.
But it seems that this indeed has become the hallmark of this 1991-born idol. Before having Instagram, Suho had been diligently uploading his photos through EXO-L's official website where his photos were always "aesthetic", such as examples of slides from seven to ten.
Some netizens also leave comments like:
1. "How can he find a wall that matches his clothes? Crazy ..."
2. "So did he look for the wall first or what? I can't reason this"
3. "I thought we would be very spoiled when Junmyeon has Instagram"
4. "The feeds are very pretty ㅠㅠ"
5. "I could be like that but this is also supported by a handsome face like Suho also for success ..."
And so forth.
What do you think? Like with Suho's photo?
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