Menjebol Pintu Hingga Hampir "Diperkosa" Saat Tidur, Jaejoong JYJ Alami Kekerasan Seksual yang Dilakukan Sasaeng Fans}
Jaejoong JYJ buka suara mengenai pelecehan seksual yang dilakukan oleh sasaeng fans terhadap dirinya pada acara televisi Jepang Gyoretsuno Dekiru Horitsu Soudanjo (6/1). Mantan anggota TVXQ tersebut mengungkapkan bahwa sasaeng fans pernah mendobrak pintu kamarnya secara paksa dan menaiki tubuhnya saat ia sedang tidur.
"Itu terjadi hampir 10 kali. Mereka meraba seluruh tubuhku dan berkata bahwa kulitku sangat halus. Mereka juga berkata bahwa mereka memegang bagian tubuhku yang tidak bisa mereka lihat di televisi." Ungkap Jaejoong. Namun disaat hal tersebut terjadi Jaejoong hanya bisa diam karena para sasaeng bisa saja memutar balikkan fakta maupun mencelakai dirinya.
Seorang pengacara yang turut hadir dalam acara tersebut mengungkapkan bahwa hal tersebut merupakan tindakan pelecehan dan sangat melanggar hukum. "Itu tidak boleh terjadi, karena tidak ada persetujuan."
Jaejoong sendiri juga pernah mengaku pernah mengalami depresi, sangat ketakutan dan trauma dengan keberadaan sasaeng. Saking takutnya, Jaejoong mengaku tidak pernah membuka tirai apartemennya selama bertahun - tahun karena ia terus merasa diawasi.
Para netizen mengaku terkejut dan memberikan komentar mereka mengenai hal tersebut. Mereka tidak menyangka bahwa tindakan sasaeng TVXQ yang terkenal paling menakutkan bisa sampai sejauh itu.
"Sasaeng TVXQ dan para mantan anggotanya (JYJ) memang menjijikkan, mereka seperti psikopat."
"Mereka benar benar tidak bisa disebut fans.... Jika sekedar menguntit atau menelfon sang idola hal itu wajar terjadi. Tapi ini tindakan kriminal yang mengerikan"
"Jika mereka dilawan, mereka pasti akan berbalik (playing victim)"
"Ini adalah pemerkosaan.... baik lelaki maupun wanita harus dibebaskan dari hal ini!"
Bagaimana menurut kalian?
Breaking the Doors Until Almost "Raped" While Sleeping, JYJ Jaejoong Experienced Sexual Violence by Sasaeng Fans}
JYJ's Jaejoong opened the voice about sexual harassment carried out by sasaeng fans against him on Japanese television show Gyoretsuno Dekiru Horitsu Soudanjo (1/6). The former TVXQ member revealed that Sasaeng fans had forcibly broken down the door of his room and climbed his body while he was sleeping.
"It happened almost 10 times. They felt my whole body and said that my skin was very smooth. They also said that they were holding onto a part of my body that they could not see on television." Said Jaejoong. But when that happened Jaejoong could only be silent because the sasaeng could just turn the facts and harm him.
A lawyer who attended the event revealed that this was an act of harassment and was very unlawful. "That shouldn't happen, because there is no agreement."
Jaejoong himself also once claimed to have experienced depression, was very scared and traumatized by the existence of Sasaeng. Because of his fear, Jaejoong claimed he had never opened the curtain of his apartment for years because he continued to feel watched.
Netizens said they were surprised and gave their comments on this matter. They did not expect that TVXQ's most frightening famous sasaeng actions could go that far.
"Sasaeng TVXQ and its former members (JYJ) are indeed disgusting, they are like psychopaths."
"They really can't be called fans ... If you just follow or call the idol it is natural. But this is a terrible crime"
"If they are opposed, they will definitely play victims"
"This is rape ... both men and women must be freed from this!"
What do you think?
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