Jumat, 25 Januari 2019

SM Entertainment Konfirmasi Kai EXO dan Jennie BLACKPINK Telah Resmi Putus!

Baru saja siang ini (25/1), hubungan asmara Kai EXO dan Jennie BLACKPINK telah kandas. SM telah mengkonfirmasi kabar ini, bagaimana dengan YG Entertainment?

Sesaat setelah kabar ini menyeruak ke publik melalui berbagai situs berita di Korea Selatan, puluhan media telah berusaha menghubungi kedua agensi idol yang bersangkutan. SM Entertainment tak perlu lama untuk mengkonfirmasi kabar ini dan menyatakan benar mereka telah putus.

Setelah sebelumnya ada laporan mengenai berakhirnya hubungan asmara antara Kai EXO dan Jennie Blackpink, SM Entertainment kini telah mengeluarkan pernyataan resmi.

Salah satu perwakilan agensi menyatakan kepada Xsportsnews, "Kabar putusnya Kai dan Jennie memang benar." Mereka sendiri menyatakan tidak mengetahui kapan dan alasan pastinya mereka putus.

Kai dan Jennie sebelumnya dikonfirmasi berkencan pada 1 Januari 2019 dan telah berkencan selama 4 bulan. Kabar putus hubungan asmara mereka dirumorkan karena ingin fokus kepada karir.

Hankoo Illbo, salah satu media yang coba menghubungi YG Entertainment, mengaku mereka tak bisa dihubungi untuk dimintai keterangan. Media mengungkap telepon mereka tak diangkat.

Netizen sendiri mengaku tak terkejut akan langkah yang diambil YG Entertainment setiap ada kabar terkait artis yang mereka naungi. Agensi yang menaungi artis seperti BIGBANG, iKON, Winner, BLACKPINK dan CL ini sering membiarkan berita tentang artis mereka "berlalu" begitu saja.

Bagaimana pendapat kalian?


Just this afternoon (1/25), romance between Kai EXO and Jennie BLACKPINK has run aground. SM has confirmed this news, what about YG Entertainment?

Shortly after this news came to the public through various news sites in South Korea, dozens of media have tried to contact the two idol agencies in question. SM Entertainment did not need long to confirm this news and stated that they were right.

After earlier reports of the end of the romance between Kai EXO and Jennie Blackpink, SM Entertainment has now issued an official statement.

One agency representative told Xsportsnews, "Breaking news Kai and Jennie are true." They themselves said they did not know when and the exact reasons they broke up.

Kai and Jennie were previously confirmed on January 1, 2019 and have been dating for 4 months. News of the breakup of their relationship was rumored because they wanted to focus on their careers.

Hankoo Illbo, one of the media who tried to contact YG Entertainment, claimed they could not be reached for questioning. The media revealed their phone was not lifted.

Netizens themselves claimed not to be surprised by the steps taken by YG Entertainment every time there was news regarding the artists they shade. The agency that houses artists such as BIGBANG, iKON, Winner, BLACKPINK and CL often let the news about their artists "pass away" just like that.

What do you think?

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