Pada 19 Januari 2019, Super Junior tengah menghadiri SMTOWN Special Stage in Santiago bersama rekan artis lainnya. Sebelum acara berlangsung, Eunhyuk, Donghae dan Yesung juga sempat berkeliling kota bersama para fans. Hal itu disebut Donghae sebagai kencan mereka bersama ELF Chili.
Dan pada malam harinya terdapat kabar kurang menyenangkan yang mana dikabarkan bahwa Leeteuk tidak dapat mengikuti member lainnya untuk tampil dikarenakan sakit enteritis dan sempat dilarikan ke rumah sakit.
Bukan hanya itu, kabar kurang menyenangkan kembali datang saat Super Junior tengah tampil membawakan lagu Ahora Te Puedes Marchar dikabarkan terjadi gempa sebesar 6,8SR dan terdapat peringatan tsunami untuk wilayah Argentina. Gempa ini terasa sangat kencang di Argentina dan Santiago. Namun karena Santiago tidak memiliki wilayah Tsunami jadi tidak mendapatkan peringatan tsunami.
Pada saat gempa terjadi banyak fans yang berkata bahwa mereka tidak merasakannya. Tapi beberapa fancam menangkap bahwa para member Super Junior terlihat tidak stabil saat berdiri dan terlihat menyadari akan adanya gempa. Sampai saat ini belum ada komentar resmi dari SM mengenai keadaan para artisnya termasuk Super Junior. Semoga mereka tetap baik baik saja ya ELFs
6.8 S.R Earthquake Shakes Chile When Super Junior Shows?
On January 19, 2019, Super Junior was attending SMTOWN Special Stage in Santiago with other fellow artists. Before the event took place, Eunhyuk, Donghae and Yesung also toured the city with the fans. That was called Donghae as their date with ELF Chili.
And in the evening there was an unpleasant news which was reported that Leeteuk could not attend the other members to appear due to enteritis and had been rushed to the hospital.
Not only that, the unpleasant news came back when Super Junior was performing a song of Ahora Te Puedes Marchar, reportedly an earthquake of 6.8SR and a tsunami warning for the Argentina region. This earthquake felt very strong in Argentina and Santiago. However, because Santiago does not have a Tsunami area, it does not get a tsunami warning.
At the time of the earthquake many fans said that they did not feel it. But some of the threats threatened that Super Junior members looked unstable when they stood up and seemed to be aware of an earthquake. Until now there have been no official comments from SM regarding the state of the artists including Super Junior. Hopefully they will be fine, ELFs
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