Kamis, 10 Januari 2019

Back to upload photos of his abs, JunhoE iKON success for fans of heart attack!]

Back to upload photos of his abs, JunhoE iKON success for fans of heart attack!]

JunhoE iKON ceaselessly stunned fans with its perfect sixpack.

Just today (10/1), JunhoE iKON is back to updating its Instagram with two photos of his abs perfectly printed. He wrote the caption, "A cool guy who sports and hugs BBangdaengi" who hinted he had just exercised with his favorite dog.

This photo, of course, surprised the IKONIC. They left some comments like, "Maybe he waited for someone to put on his clothes ..." "I was worried when he deleted the old abs photo ... but I was wrong ... ㅠㅠ," "He looks like my future," "AAAA crazy !, "and many others.

What do you think? Whose idol is this?


Kembali Unggah Foto Absnya, JunhoE iKON Sukses Buat Para Penggemar Jantungan!]

JunhoE iKON tak henti-hentinya buat penggemar terpukau dengan sixpacknya yang sempurna.

Baru saja hari ini (10/1), JunhoE iKON kembali memperbarui instagramnya dengan dua foto absnya yang tercetak sempurna. Dia menulis caption, “Seorang pria keren yang berolahraga dan berpelukan dengan bbangdaengi” yang meisyaratkan dia baru saja berolahraga dengan anjing kesayangannya.

Foto ini pun tentu saja membuat para IKONIC terkejut. Mereka meninggalkan beberapa komentar seperti, "Mungkin dia menunggu ada yang memakaikannya baju..," "Aku sempat khawatir ketika dia menghapus foto abs lamanya.. tapi aku ternyata salah..ㅠㅠ," "Dia terlihat seperti masa depanku," "AAAA ini gila!," dan banyak lainnya.

Bagaimana pendapat kalian? idol siapa nih?

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