Selasa, 08 Januari 2019

LabelSJ will take action and help Kyuhyun against the threat that Kyuhyun's brother and family experienced.

Previously, it was reported that Kyuhyun's sibling Cho Ahra received many threats through his personal contact on behalf of the perpetrator who claimed to be named John for 3 consecutive years. Ahra even uploaded evidence of the perpetrator's threat to his personal Instagram and was seen fearing the threat of the perpetrator. Yesterday (7/1), one of Super Junior's fans reported this to special staff of SM Entertainment to report the case to the authorities.

Today (1/8), LabelSJ gave a statement that LabelSJ will help Kyuhyun and his family who have been disturbed by 'sasaeng' for 3 consecutive years. Because this is a family problem, Kyuhyun requested that the SM Entertainment not interfere. At present LabelSJ is still exploring the evidence of screenshots of the chat chat from Cho Ahra which has been threatened.

On the other hand, Cho Ahra is currently being treated at the hospital for the delivery of her pregnancy.


LabelSJ akan mengambil tindakan dan membantu Kyuhyun terhadap kasus ancaman yang dialami kakak dan keluarga Kyuhyun.

Sebelumnya, dikabarkan bahwa kakak kandung dari Kyuhyun yaitu Cho Ahra menerima banyak ancama lewat kontak pribadinya atas nama pelaku yang mengaku bernama John selama 3 tahun berturut turut. Ahra bahkan mengunggah bukti bukti ancaman pelaku ke Instagram pribadinya dan terlihat ketakutan akan ancaman pelaku tersebut. Kemarin (7/1), salah satu penggemar Super Junior melaporkan hal ini kepada staff khusus SM Entertainment untuk melaporkan kasus ini kepada pihak berwajib.

Hari ini (8/1), LabelSJ memberikan statement bahwa LabelSJ akan membantu Kyuhyun dan keluarganya yang telah diganggu oleh 'sasaeng' selama 3 tahun berturut turut. Dikarenakan ini adalah masalah keluarga, Kyuhyun meminta agar pihak SM Entertainment tidak ikut campur. Saat ini LabelSJ masih mendalami bukti bukti screenshot chat sasaeng dari Cho Ahra yang selama ini diancam.

Di sisi lain, Cho Ahra saat ini sedang dirawat di Rumah Sakit untuk proses persalinan kehamilannya.

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