Kamis, 21 Maret 2019

Keren, Suju dan TVXQ Bakal Promosikan Pariwisata Indonesia

Keren, Suju dan TVXQ Bakal Promosikan Pariwisata Indonesia

Media sosial di Tanah Air belakangan ini dihebohkan dengan postingan dan video kehadiran dua boyband papan atas dunia asal Korea Selatan, Super Junior (Suju) dan TVXQ. Kedua boyband ini datang atas undangan Kementerian Pariwisata. Tujuan untuk mempromosikan pariwisata Indonesia
Menteri Pariwisata Arief Yahya membenarkan kabar yang sudah membuat jagat media sosial Tanah Air heboh. Menteri asal Banyuwangi ini bahkan membeberkan agenda Super Junior dan TVXQ di Indonesia. "Benar, dua grup K-POP (Korean POP) sedang ada di Indonesia, yakni Super Junior dan TVXQ. Mereka hadir untuk membuat konten, pengambilan gambar, video analog trip K-Pop Star, film, juga vlog. Tujuannya untuk kepentingan Youtube Channel dan Program TV mereka, yang akan ditayangkan September 2019," ujarnya.

Menteri yang sangat digital itu menjelaskan, Kementerian Pariwisata turut memfasilitasi kehadiran dua superstar itu. Karena, Suju dan TVXQ akan mempromosikan destinasi wisata Indonesia. Terutama yang ada di Bali dan Yogyakarta. "Super Junior dan TVXQ bisa dijadikan endorser atau influencer untuk Wonderful Indonesia, brand Pariwisata Indonesia.
Sasarannya bukan hanya pasar Korea. Tetapi juga pasar dunia. Karena, kedua grup K-POP itu sudah menjadi bintang dunia," terang mantan Dirut PT Telkom itu. "Level Super Junior sudah International Artist. Mereka banyak mengantongi penghargaan tingkat dunia. Fans mereka juga terdapat di berbagai belahan dunia. Merangkul Suju untuk promosi pariwisata Indonesia jelas menguntungkan. Karena impactnya akan langsung terasa ke berbagai negara melalui fans mereka yang besar," terangnya.

Source: merdeka.com


Cool, Suju and TVXQ Will Promote Indonesian Tourism

Social media in the country have recently been shocked by posts and videos of the presence of two of the world's top board boys from South Korea, Super Junior (Suju) and TVXQ. Both of these boyband came at the invitation of the Ministry of Tourism. The aim is to promote Indonesian tourism
Minister of Tourism Arief Yahya confirmed the news that had made the country the social media universe excited. The Minister from Banyuwangi even revealed Super Junior and TVXQ's agenda in Indonesia. "True, two K-POP groups (Korean POP) are currently in Indonesia, namely Super Junior and TVXQ. They are here to create content, take pictures, analog videos of K-Pop Star trips, films and vlogs. The aim is for Youtube Channel interests. and their TV program, which will be aired September 2019, "he said.

The very digital minister explained, the Ministry of Tourism helped facilitate the presence of the two superstars. Because, Suju and TVXQ will promote Indonesian tourist destinations. Especially those in Bali and Yogyakarta. "Super Junior and TVXQ can be used as endorsers or influencers for Wonderful Indonesia, the Indonesian Tourism brand.
The target is not only the Korean market. But also the world market. Because, the two K-POP groups have become world stars, "explained the former Director of PT Telkom." The level of Super Junior is International Artist. They pocketed many world-class awards. Their fans are also available in various parts of the world. Embracing Suju for the promotion of Indonesian tourism is clearly profitable. Because the impact will immediately be felt in various countries through their big fans, "he explained.

Source: merdeka.com

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