Sabtu, 27 April 2019

Positif Narkoba, Park Yoochun Terancam 7,5 Tahun Penjara

Positif Narkoba, Park Yoochun Terancam 7,5 Tahun Penjara 

Polisi menyatakan bahwa Park Yoochun telah positif menggunakan narkoba jenis methamphetamine. Hasil ini diketahui setelah polisi memeriksa rambut kaki personel JYJ tersebut.

Dari hasil pemeriksaan, Park Yoochun juga diketahui telah lima kali menggunakan narkoba sepanjang tahun 2019 ini. Atas perbuatannya, Park Yoochun pun dibayang-bayangi dengan hukuman penjara.

Salah satu tim pengacara Park Yoochun, Kim Hee Joon, mengatakan dalam sebuah program acara televisi bahwa kliennya bisa terancam hukuman lebih dari lima tahun penjara.

"Jika menggunakan narkoba beberapa kali, anda akan dijatuhi hukuman hingga 7,5 tahun penjara," ujar Kim Hee Joon seperti dilansir dari situs Allkpop, Jumat (26/4/2019).

Meski telah NISI (National Institute of Scientific Investigation) telah menyatakan positif narkoba, namun Park Yoochun tetap pada keyakinannya bahwa tak pernah mengonsumsi barang terlarang tersebut.

"Tidak ada banyak waktu yang tersisa. Tapi kami sedang mencari cara bagaimana metamfetamin memasuki tubuhnya dan terdeteksi oleh Layanan Forensik Nasional," jelas pengacara park Yoochun.

Sementara itu, pada Jumat (26/4/2019) Park Yoochun juga telah menjalani persidangan di pengadilan distrik Suwon. ia datang mengenakan setelah kemeja putih yang dibalut dengan jas abu-abu.

Sidang ini dilakukan untuk menetapkan apakah sang aktor layak ditahan ataukah tidak. Usai persidangan, kedua tangan Park Yoochun tampak diborgol.


Positive Narcotics, Park Yoochun Threatened 7.5 Years in Prison

The police stated that Park Yoochun had been positive for using drugs of the type of methamphetamine. This result was known after police examined the legs of JYJ personnel's hair.

From the results of the examination, Park Yoochun is also known to have used five drugs throughout 2019. For his actions, Park Yoochun was overshadowed by a prison sentence.

Park Yoochun's lawyer team, Kim Hee Joon, said on a television program that his client could face more than five years in prison.

"If you use drugs several times, you will be sentenced to up to 7.5 years in prison," Kim Hee Joon said as quoted by the Allkpop website on Friday (4/26/2019).

Although it has been NISI (National Institute of Scientific Investigation) has stated positive drugs, but Park Yoochun remains in his belief that he never consumed the prohibited item.

"There is not much time left. But we are looking for how methamphetamine enters its body and is detected by National Forensic Services," lawyer park Yoochun explained.

Meanwhile, on Friday (4/26/2019) Park Yoochun also had a trial in the Suwon district court. he came wearing a white shirt wrapped in a gray suit.

This session was held to determine whether the actor was worthy of being detained or not. After the trial, Park Yoochun's hands were handcuffed.

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