Kamis, 16 Mei 2019

Fans Protest Running Out of Super Junior Concert Tickets in Indonesia

Fans Protest Running Out of Super Junior Concert Tickets in Indonesia

The enthusiasm for the Super Junior concert in Indonesia is indeed very high. This can be seen from the ticket sales which were officially sold out in minutes on Tuesday, May 14, 2019 ago. Previously known, the promoter opened two official ticket sales fleet.
The first flight group is only for MCP member owners and can buy tickets on 12 May at 12.00 WIB. But after a few minutes ticket sales were opened, tickets for all categories were sold out immediately.

The same thing happened in the second flight ticket group which took place on May 14 at 14.00 WIB yesterday. After a few minutes the sales began, tickets for five categories were immediately sold out.
Fans who cannot get tickets convey their protest through promoter social media as well as ticket.com social media accounts. Some fans claimed the ticket sales site had been erroneous when they wanted to order, so they couldn't buy it.

There were also fans who asked the promoters to add to the day for this Super Junior concert.
"It's really strange at 2:02 p.m. pink and yellow are gone. Try many times that blue doesn't work too. There was a maintenance post, then everything was sold out, "wrote the fan.
"It's bad, the maintenance server error keeps getting sold out all of a sudden. How strange is that? "
"Please help make two days, please help,"
"We beg to add more days. Gosh, this is so resigned. Have been waiting for SuJu for years, "
"Mecima, please help SS7S Day 2, this ticket is already gone and many fans who really can't get it," wrote the fan.

While it is known, the concert entitled "SUPER SHOW 7s in Jakarta" will be held at the Indonesia Convention Exhibition (ICE) Hall 5, BSD, Tangerang, on Saturday, June 15, 2019.

What do you think? Have you got a ticket or the team hasn't got a ticket? 😭


Penggemar Protes Kehabisan Tiket Konser Super Junior di Indonesia

Antusiasme menjelang konser Super Junior di Indonesia memang terbilang sangat tinggi. Hal tersebut terlihat dari penjualan tiket yang resmi ludes terjual dalam hitungan menit pada Selasa, 14 Mei 2019 lalu. Sebelumnya diketahui, pihak promotor membuka dua kloter penjualan tiket resmi.
Untuk kloter pertama hanya dikhususkan untuk pemilik member MCP dan bisa membeli tiket pada tanggal 12 Mei pukul 12.00 WIB lalu. Namun selang beberapa menit penjualan tiket dibuka, tiket untuk semua kategori langsung ludes terjual.

Begitu pula yang terjadi di kloter kedua penjualan tiket yang berlangsung pada 14 Mei pukul 14.00 WIB kemarin. Selang beberapa menit penjualan dimulai, tiket untuk lima kategori pun langsung terjual habis. 
Penggemar yang tidak dapat tiket menyampaikan aksi protesnya lewat media sosial promotor sekaligus akun media sosial tiket.com. Beberapa penggemar mengaku situs penjualan tiket sempat eror ketika ingin memesan, sehingga tidak bisa membelinya.

Ada pula penggemar yang meminta promotor menambah hari untuk konser Super Junior ini.
“Aneh banget jam 14.02 pink dan yellow habis. Coba berkali-kali yang blue enggak berhasil juga. Sempet ada tulisan maintenance, kemudian sold out semua,” tulis penggemar.
“Parah sih, server maintenance eror terus tiba-tiba sold out semua. Kok aneh ya?”
“Mecima tolong bikin dua hari, tolong tolong tolong,”
“Kami mohon tambah hari dong. Astaga udah pasrah banget ini. Udah bertahun-tahun nunggu SuJu,”
“Mecima tolong dong SS7S Day 2, ini tiket sudah pada abis dan banyak fans yang beneran fans enggak dapat,” tulis penggemar.

Sementara itu diketahui, Konser yang bertajuk ‘SUPER SHOW 7s in Jakarta’ ini akan diselenggarakan di Indonesia Convention Exhibition (ICE) Hall 5, BSD, Tangerang, pada Sabtu, 15 Juni 2019 mendatang.

Bagaimana menurut kalian? Apakah kalian team sudah dapet tiket atau team belum dapet tiket? 😭

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